Let me stop you right there, if you read the title of this article and automatically thought of RUM.
I had to capitalize that, cause as a Brazilian (I’m from São Paulo in case you didn’t know). And, as such, I have heard more times than I can count people making the mistake of considering the two spirits one and the same. Comparisons are welcome, but please don’t lump us together! What differentiates Rum and Cachaça starts at the very beginning of production: rum is made of molasses, cachaça is made of pure sugarcane.
While cachaça dominates the shelves in Brazil, it has yet to leave a large footprint in the United States. Mostly, this stems from the fact that it’s only associated with one famous recipe; the Capirinha. This should soon change, given that it’s the third most produced spirit in the world…talk about being sneaky popular!
I should probably talk about how this cachaça tastes… and it’s better than most I have tried! Cachaças are inherently citric and a bit herbal or grassy in nature, but this Cana Boa has hints of vanilla, banana, and even maybe ripe tangerine right up front. It finishes smoother and rounder than is typical, and is pleasing from the nose (which also smacks of banana and lime), right up until it hits the back of the tongue. All around a solid A!!!
My point remains, it is NOT rum, and you probably haven’t had this, so don’t knock it til you try it, and don’t call it rum thank you very much!!